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Aquí hay algunas respuestas

  • What is Grape Leather?
    Grape leather is a sustainable and environmentally friendly alternative to traditional leather, made out of grapes/wine pomace.
  • Is Grape Leather Vegan?
    Yes, Grape leather is vegan since there are no animals or animal products involved in the manufacturing process.
  • Why should we choose grape leather over traditional leather?
    Grape leather is sustainable and helps make the planet a better place. Grape Leather helps cut down the waste from the wine industry, this causes a lower carbon footprint rather than traditional leather production.
  • Is Grape Leather as durable as traditional leather?
    Grape leather is just as durable as traditional leather, if not better. Studies have shown that Grape leather tends to out last traditional leather against heat and aren't affected by other chemicals. Also compared to other vegan leather products, grape leather has the same feel and look as traditional leather.
Descargo de responsabilidad: Esta tienda en línea de Virtual Enterprise tiene fines educativos únicamente (2023-2024 –Sansa).



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